Card Game

Forest Shuffle

In Forest Shuffle, players compete to gather the most valuable trees, then attract species to these trees, thus creating an ecologically balanced habitat for flora and fauna.

To start, each player has six cards in hand, with cards depicting either a particular type of tree or two forest dwellers (animal, plant, mushroom, etc.), with these latter cards being divided in half, whether vertically or horizontally, with one dweller in each card half.

On a turn, either draw two cards — whether face down from the deck or face up from the clearing — and add them to your hand, or play a card from your hand by paying the cost, then putting it into play.

During set-up, three winter cards were placed into the bottom third of the deck. When the third winter card is drawn, the game ends immediately, then players tally their points based on the trees and dwellers in their forest. Whoever scores the most points wins.

Forest Shuffle is the first in a line of Lookout games sporting the Lookout Greenline label, produced on FSC certified paper and avoiding plastic completely.

Not Enough Mana

Not Enough Mana is a "potion" drinking card game for 3-6 fearless wizards (legal potion drinking age may vary depending on your kingdom’s laws). You’ll be destroying each other using epic spells, curses and artifacts while replenishing your mana by drinking magical potions*.

Your goal is to eliminate all other wizards from the game, either through depleting all their health points or by K.O. (also known as Too Much Mana).

In their turn, players cast spells and curses, equip artifacts and face epic events by drawing and playing cards. Spells require mana points, which the player can replenish at any point in the game by drinking mana potions.

If a player loses all health points or is incapable of making a move in his turn, he is removed from the game. The last player wins.

Seas of Strife

In the trick-taking game Seas of Strife, formerly Texas Showdown, originally published as Strife, you want to avoid taking tricks as skillfully as you can, but playing off-suit might not keep you safe as the suit can change during the trick, possibly stinging you in the end.

Before play, all the cards are distributed evenly among the players. Once a player leads a single card for the first trick, all other players must play a card of the same suit, if possible. If a player can't play on suit, they can play a card of any color — but after they do this, all subsequent players can play a card of either matching color (or possibly a third color if they have neither of the first two).

Once all players have played to the trick, you see which color has been played most frequently in the trick. Whoever played the highest card of this color wins the trick. If two or more colors are tied, then the highest card counts as the winner.

You play several rounds until someone reaches the target number of tricks taken. At that point, whoever has captured the fewest tricks wins!

Supply Chain: the card game

A combination of Tetris, rummy, Sim City, and dominos. Buy properties and build your business empire. But make sure all your suppliers are linked, or it can all fall apart.

You can play a solo game, or competing against others, or play co-op. There are over 200 cards with over 150 of those being unique.

Each player starts with a main office and a family business. Players buy, sell, and trade properties to grow a sprawling cityscape. All cards have links so you may connect a producer with its suppliers. Watch out for run-down derelict properties that your competitors might stick on you.

When all the properties are gone, the game is over. Players add up their victory points to determine the winner. Different properties vary in point values. An iron mine might have only 1 VP while the coveted Department Store has 10 VP.

—description from the designer

Dixit: Disney Edition

Each turn in Dixit, one player is the storyteller, chooses one of the six cards in their hand, then makes up a sentence based on that card's image and says it out loud without showing the card to the other players. Each other player then selects the card in their hand that best matches the sentence and gives the selected card to the storyteller, without showing it to anyone else.

The storyteller shuffles their card with all of the received cards, then reveals all of these cards. Each player other than the storyteller then secretly guesses which card belongs to the storyteller. If nobody or everybody guesses the correct card, the storyteller scores 0 points, and each other player scores 2 points. Otherwise, the storyteller and whoever found the correct answer score 3 points. Additionally, the non-storyteller players score 1 point for every vote received by their card.

The game ends when the deck is empty or if a player has scored at least 30 points. In either case, the player with the most points wins.

Dixit: Disney Edition features 84 cards, with each card representing one of 84 films in the Disney or Pixar catalog from Steamboat Willie to Turning Red.