Hand Management

Forsaken Forest

A group of travelers has awakened an Ancient Evil.

Little do they know, some of those who travel among them have already been Corrupted.

Forsaken Forest is a team-oriented Social Deduction horror game set within a mysterious forest which has been warped by dark magic.

The goal of each player is to navigate to their team's hidden Destination, or to kill all of the opposing team's players. However, the Villagers begin the game without knowing who is actually on their team, or where their Destination is located within the forest.

The evil Forsaken have perfect information and will do anything to mislead their opponents.

On the path to victory, players will need to gather information, manage their resources, gain the trust of their fellow travelers, and fend off the evils of the night!

Just remember that not all who Wander are truly lost!

The Rules Book


In the two-player game Watergate, one player represents the Nixon administration and tries not to resign before the end of the game while the other player represents The Washington Post and tries to show the connections between Nixon and some of his informers.


Maracaibo, the new strategy game for 1-4 players by Alexander Pfister, is set in the Caribbean during the 17th century. The players try to increase their influence in three nations in four rounds with a play time of 40 minutes per player.

The players sail on a round course through the Caribbean. E.g., you have city tiles where you are able to perform various actions or deliver goods to. One special feature is an implemented quest mode over more and various tiles, which tells the player, who chase after it, a little story.

As a player, you move with your ship around the course, managing it by using cards like in other games from Alexander Pfister.

Drako: Dragon & Dwarves

Drako: Dragon & Dwarves is an asymmetrical game for two players, with one player leading a team of three dwarves who are experienced dragon hunters and the other playing a red dragon that has spread terror amongst local peasants. The dwarves have managed to trap the dragon in a shady valley at the foot of the mountain where it lives – apparently dragons can't resist the smell of freshly slaughtered sheep – but despite being in chains, the dragon is still young and ferocious, providing the dwarves with the difficult task of killing it without being killed themselves.

Each player has a unique deck of cards, and each card has symbols on it to indicate possible actions. The dragon can move around the game board, bite, shoot fire, fly (in a limited way), and defend itself from attacks; the dwarves can attack with their axes, shoot crossbows, move individually or in groups, protect themselves with shields, and cast nets.

Each player can have up to six cards in hand, and managing these cards and maneuvering their characters on the game board are the keys to victory. Has the opponent run out of defense cards? Can the dragon nip the strongest dwarf and take him out without opening himself up to attacks from the others? The dwarves can attack the dragon's wings to keep it from flying, chop its legs so it can't move, and cut its throat to prevent it from breathing fire.

If the dwarves kill the dragon before it breaks from the trap – that is before dwarves run out of cards – they win. If the dragon survives or defeats the dwarves, he will manage to free his trapped leg and fly away, triumphing over his opponents.


5211 is a fast-playing card game with a unique scoring method that rewards clever play!

This game has cards 1-6 in five colors. Each player starts with a hand of five cards. Players play two cards face-down, then simultaneously reveal them. They refill their hand, then repeat this process two more times, but only with one card.

The cards of the majority color will score — unless too many are present, in which case the color busts and the second most color scores. In case of a tie for majority, the tied colors are also out. These rounds are repeated until the deck runs out. The player with the most points wins.

5211 is a new edition of 5 COLORS that has all new art.