
Tales of Ulysse

Ulysses & Co. set sail for Ithaca. What should be a short journey turns out to be an incredible adventure based on Homer's epic poem, The Odyssey. Players each take a ship through unknown seas populated by the mythical, legendary creatures and face challenges such as the Neptune's storms, the charms of the Circe and Calypso, the Cyclops, the Straits between Scylla and Charybdis and, of course, the enchanting song of the Sirens.

Includes game board, 4 ships, deck of 30 cards, dice, rule book.

Intended for Ages 5 and up.

Ra: Uberplay Edition

Ra is an auction and set-collection game with an Ancient Egyptian theme. Each turn players are able to purchase lots of tiles with their bidding tiles (suns). Once a player has used up his or her suns, the other players continue until they do likewise, which may set up a situation with a single uncontested player bidding on tiles before the end of the round occurs. Tension builds because the round may end before all players have had a chance to win their three lots for the epoch. The various tiles either give immediate points, prevent negative points for not having certain types at the end of the round (epoch), or give points after the final round. The game lasts for three "epochs" (rounds). The game offers a short learning curve, and experienced players find it both fast-moving and a quick play.

From the Box:
The game spans 1500 years of Egyptian history in less than an hour!
The players seek to expand their power and fame and there are many ways to accomplish this: Influencing Pharaohs, Building monuments, Farming on the Nile, Paying homage to the Gods, Advancing the technology and culture of the people. Ra is an auction and set collecting game where players may choose to take risks for great rewards or... And all this is for the glory of the Sun God Ra!

This version of the game is rare and requires a membership to play. See Game Associate for details.

Warehouse 51

The year is 2038. After decades of borrowing money from the rest of the world, the USA finally went bankrupt. In a last desperate move, the federal government decides to auction its most secret treasures: the artifacts and relics stored in warehouse 51. And there's serious stuff in there, such as Aladdin's Lamp, The Hammer of Thor, the Golem, and the Philosopher's Stone.

In Warehouse 51, players are multimillionaires from the entire world who want to buy these artifacts for their collections, but most of these items have strange paranormal effects that can influence the game, and many of them are fakes...


In Vineta, 2 to 6 players take on the roles of angry Norse Gods, seeking to sink the city of Vineta beneath a succession of pounding waves.

However, each player is secretly assigned one of nine city districts to protect. Likewise, each player secretly protects one color of houses.

By use of cards, players send waves against districts, joining together to sink them and moving houses in and out of threatened districts. At the end of each round, the district that has the most waves played against it -- along with any houses in that district -- are removed.

After eight rounds of play, only one district (and any houses it contains) will remain. Players score for houses claimed during the game, and bonuses are given to whoever was secretly protecting the remaining district and its remaining houses -- if any.


Won the 2004 Concours International de Créateurs de Jeux de Société (as Waka-Waka Island)


Mythic Greece. As an upstart demigod, you want to earn the favor of the Olympians and become a figure of legend yourself. Gather heroes and powerful artifacts, please the gods and bear their power to write your own epic tale.

Let your allies achieve their destiny and enter the Elysium, home of the glorious and the brave. Once the stories are written, only one demigod will be chosen to stand at the side of Zeus.
Elysium is a game of set collecting and combinations in which players recruit cards representing heroes, items, powers and gods. These cards have many different powers and you can create powerful combination to earn gold (the help of the gods) and victory points (the favor of the gods). Each card belongs to one of the eight Olympians gods (a family), and shows a level (1 to 3).

During the five turns of the game, players will try to transfer their cards to the Elysium and write their own Legends, which are series of cards from the same family or from different families of the same level. The more epic the Legends, the more favor from the gods they’ll earn. But as they go to Elysium, most cards lose their power and players will therefore have to renounce some of their combinations !

A game of balance and opportunity with simple action, but constant dilemmas and complex strategies.